Thursday, December 9, 2010

Good bye to Texas and Hello Crazy Weekend!

Off to the airport, and we get there really early thanks to our driver! Molly and I get through security with nary a body scan, and we hit Austin coffee to start our day off right!
Plane ride is smooth and as soon as we land and Jer and the gang pick us up, we head straight to Lansing for Molly's Meet and Greet. The 3 athletes from Michigan, David, Sabra and Molly are having lunch together and finding out more details about the trip next summer.  The excitement builds! We get alot of information and have alot to work on over the next couple of weeks..lots of planning for me!
As soon as the meeting ends we zoom home and Molly basically has to hop right into her choir outfit and go right over to her concert site.  We head over shortly after that.  Karen, Eric and Inez are there also, thanks for coming guys! The concert is spectacular, and Molly knocked our socks off! We are pretty proud. But tired! I am so happy to get home and get into my own bed.

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