Sunday, December 12, 2010

Danny's Birthday!

I can't believe it's been 10 years since Danny brightened our family up! He was born the morning after a blizzard, when there was 18 inches of snow on the ground, and the neighbors all had to help dig the car out for us to go to the hospital! the snow was so deep even the hospital photographer couldn't get in to photograph the new babies. It snowed so much that December I swear the kids had snow days until after New Years! Well today the snow came again for my blizzard baby! It started last night and stopped, then started hard again around 8am. I dashed out to mass and the grocery store and then headed home. It took me 3 tries to get up the driveway, so I pulled into the garage and parked for the day.  Heard from Jerry about the adventures at the lake. He had planned  to stay until Monday and let Danny be "snowed in" for his birthday, but at 6 am the plan changed. He woke up to Charlotte poking him and saying "Dad, its dark!" Jer's reaction," uh, yes! it's supposed to be dark!" but she was right, the power had gone out. With temps predicted to drop into the low teens tonight, there was no way they could stay. Danny was pretty bummed out, looking out at the 8 inches of fresh snow and having to leave, so Jer played outside with him for a couple of hours. They even had to chop a hole in the ice to get water and carry it into the house.  So they get to Mount Pleasant and decide to go to the Pixie for lunch, when Jerry remembers that he left the pump plugged in at the house. UGH! He drops the kids off to buy lunch and turns around through the increasingly fierce snow and goes back to the lake to unplug the pump. The poor guy! Turns around, picks up the kids and starts for Brighton, and the 90 min trip takes 2:45. UGH!  7 cars in the ditch as he comes off the exit ramp, and a main highway closed due to 90 accidents in 4 hours, so he is certainly happy to get the kids safely home.  Meanwhile I've invited Shawne and her gang to celebrate the birthday, and they arrive just as the kids get home. Danny,Sophie,Jack and Charlotte head right outside to sled and play. Danny,Sophie and Jack built a really neat fort in the backyard, using the picnic table as a base, and they stayed outside of 2 hours, until forced in by parents  (it was pitch black!) We had Danny's choice of  pizza for dinner, and I made a bumpy cake for dessert with ice cream. Karen and Eric even ventured out and came over for dessert and coffee. It made Danny's day really special, and he loved opening his presents in front of the fire and an audience.My thoughts on this year ahead for him; I wish him a wonderful happy and healthy year, with loads of joy and adventure. I pledge to present life with optimism and enthusiasm to him.  I am blessed.
post script: usually on Sundays I mention something about church, and this week the message  was patience,always a good one for me to here. But funny story, the organist and song leader were not in sync, and Father Karl was the one who needed the patience! at one point the organist was playing away, but not giving the lead in too the song. Father Karl and the singer were both staring back towards the organ, at one point Father jerked his hand up, as if to say Jump in and start singing, but she didn't. we all stood there, not singing, for about 3 minutes, which felt like 3 hours! Father was not happy!

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