Sunday, October 30, 2011

on the road again, on two feet!

I made pumpkin pancakes this morning from the IHOP recipe, and they came out great. Served them with sausage and warm maple praline syrup.
When everyone had carb-loaded we headed out for a run. Molly ran to downtown, Charlotte,Danny and I hit the trail along the woods. It was glorious! My favourite moment was when I mentioned the beautiful leaf colours to Danny, he said,
"Mom, there's a Calvin and Hobbs cartoon that says..Sometimes we need to be quiet and let autumn do the talking" Not only is that accurate and Adorable, but he sounded exactly like Jake when he said it! Good memories, which I am working on concentrating on!
Danny and I went to 5pm and had the pleasure of serving the mass-Father Mark talked about encouraging vocations among our young men. It was very inspirational to here him talking about his own vocation.
ready to run!

go team!!

we made it! andfinished the same time as Molly. Karen, my new birthday shirt worked great!

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