Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Yellow Belt in the family!

While Jer and the girls headed out to the park for a run this am, Danny headed for the studio for a tae kwon do class followed by belt testing.  It was quite intense, he ended up being there for 3t hours, but the end result is a yellow belt...he is on his way!

testing complete, Danny waits to receive his belt

Master Kil ties on his new level, the junior yellow belt

oh yeah!

ready to kick at the practice bag

the approach...

roundhouse kick

the group that belt tested and Master Kil, US Olympic Tae Kwon Do Coach

pretty happy boy!

Other exciting news..both girls had activities with friends today! Charlotte joined her friend Elizabeth and her Grandma for a movie and dinner at Olive Garden. Molly also saw a movie with friends, and tomorrow will be seeing another one...Jerry and I are so thrilled for them!
Danny and I also cleaned out the van in anticipation of giving it to Jake and Cammy to use for a while. We armouraled, shopvacced, and trash removed...looks awesome! 

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