Sunday, October 23, 2011

University of Michigan Womens Soccer Game!

After 8am mass and a quick breakfast, we headed down to Ann Arbor. What a treat! We had been invited to the game by Dave, Molly's bus assistant, who is a weekend usher at U of M events. He told Coach Ryan about Molly, and she got to go into the locker room and meet the team and talked to them. It was a mutual love fest, and she received a signed poster from the team.  Coach Ryan came to the stands to meet the family, and all 3 kids participated  in the halftime musical chairs game (Alas no winner among them!) It was warm and sunny and the seats were great! It was just a fun family afternoon!
Got together with my friend Kim and took a 3 mile walk later in the day. It was great to catch up with her while Danny and Scott jumped on the trampoline. I even taught her how to Facetime! thanks for taking our call Sooz!
At 3:30pm,Jerry drove to the lake and dropped off a couple of chairs and picked up the rest of the pumpkins for the library and fished and drove home--what a guy!

at the soccer game sporting her SO scarf!

The kids with Molly's friend Dave

action shot

musical chairs

Dad and Danny enjoying the game :)

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