Friday, October 7, 2011

October in Michigan and it's 80 degrees!

If this is global warming bring it on!!!  What a day!  Danny and I had a date with the cable guy, which we kept since the trip was cancelled. Now my TV is all better and my sanity(restored nightly be HGTV) will return!
Danny and I also worked on our book page wreaths this morning while listening to our audio book Peter and the Starcatchers.    It is a fantastic story and the narrator is Jim Dale, who di the Harry Potter books, so it is mesmerizing.  Around 1pm Jerry and Danny were setting off to golf, and they talked me into going..I even golfed one hole. My main reason for going was not to remember how stinky I am at golf, but to spend time with the boys on this beautiful fall day. They had fun golfing I think.
Homecoming in Brighton was tonight. We all went to the parade, to cheer on Alex on her front line of the band. She looked very good marching by. We got to chat with Shawne and Laura and Carol Neros. MANY people came running over to hug Molly or shouted out to her...she is quite the popular gal! Our own little celebrity!
The gang went to the game, and Grandy and I came home to relax. My TV is working great and I have on House Hunters International-they are in Japan! AAAhhh!
on the course

the real golfers!

the cart candy!

it goes up..and comes down on the green!

the gang!

Go Brighton

Molly, Renee and Charlotte

Carol Neros and I

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