Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Game 4..and another nail biter!

the headline says it all, and Charlotte goes to school happy!

Yanks up 4-1 and Charlotte long in bed. Tigers are just not looking excited, and the crowd is very quiet. Well game 5 in Yankee stadium is never a good thing, but if we must,we must! Danny and I are conflicted. I love the Yanks and like the Tigers, but it is the hometown team.  Danny wants the tension out of the house...out of the mouths of babes!
I worked and did storytime which was fun. Danny spent this beautiful day outside,  played with Leah all morning, took a couple of long walks with the dog, and jumped on the tramp for a couple of hours with Ryan. Then he hit taekwando...Go Danny!
Unfortunately, we have to go visit Jake this weekend, and we will miss the belt testing, and Spec. O picnic, and a seminar at church.  He is shipping out on the 16th and this will be the chance to say Goodbye and wish him our best. What parents should do...so we'll do it.

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