Friday, October 7, 2011

Wednesday 10/5/11 Ashley Court..or not!

Danny and I got up early to get to school. We are doing a four day week because of our trip on Friday. Around 9:30 we head to church to get Holy Communion to take to Ashley Court. I had a wonderful moment in the Eucharistic chapel..when Danny and I entered Father Karl was in a seat, praying. We knelt on the closet kneeler and he was directly behind me. As I started to pray, all of the sudden the words to a song started pouring through my head "Jesus above me, Jesus below me, Jesus beside me, King of my heart, Jesus in front of me, Jesus behind me, Jesus around me, never will part" and I knew that Jesus was in front of me, my Shepperd, and Father Karl was behind me, my earthly Shepperd, and it was so great!!
We went to Ashley Court, but my bad, apparently service was cancelled because of the Fall Festival later tonight. Building 3/4 asked me if I would do it anyway and we gladly agreed. Danny is wonderful with the folks.  And as a bonus, we went back at 6pm and volunteered for the fall party! I did slip out to take Danny to tae kwan do, but then we went back to help clean up. It is such a blessing to volunteer there!

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