Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Book Club! with Babka!

We had a poignant story this month, Take The Long Way Home by Gail Caldwell. This book was a memoir she wrote about her relationship with her best friend Caroline, who died of cancer. This is not a spoiler, this is announced in the first sentence of the book. The story traces there friendship, and details lives which include jobs as writers, battles with alcoholism, their 2 amazing dogs, rowing, and much more. Great discussion on death and dying, friends in our lives and losses we've all had. It was a great night.And too top it all off Cindy brought a babka! And everyone knows "you can't beat a babka!"
Jerry got home from his trip, and I took the kids to cheer on Brighton on the cross country field, and Danny had an excellent piano lesson. GREAT DAY!

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