Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I post now but don't write anything...tomorrow I edit and it still posted today! Sneaky,Sneaky!!

Now logging on on Thursday night and adding stuff-see how slick that is?? No one will ever know!
 Danny and I were blessed with going to Ashley Court for our service in the morning. Building 3/4 did great with the body of Christ today. Afterwards we did a quick shop to grab chicken to make for dinner. Jerry's client is coming over and they are running, then eating and playing downstairs. I will leave everything set up, but I am going to the Women's Walk with the Lord .
This presentation was excellent, Deacon Dave and his wife Janet spoke on their large family of 8 kids, 3 with special needs,caring for aging parents and more.
Father Joe said mass because our Priests were at a meeting. and he was wonderful. Spiritual and funny, what a blessing. I feel very fulfilled.

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