Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's my book club and I'm gonna name it!

Okay, so for some reason today I decided to name my bookclub! I started it 2 years ago in March, after we finished the library. We have 7 members and we take turns picking the books. We meet in my library the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. After lively discussion we adjourn to the kitchen for desserty like items and more coffee,tea or whatever you like. And lots of great talk about our families and lives. We also have a drawing for a small door prize provided by the gal who chose the book, who also brings the treat. Got It? I have read alot of interesting books and really look froward to the monthly meetings. So I decided that we should have a name(why not before this? I don't know!) so are you ready for it....
Ladies Laughing in the Library (LLL)

What do you think? I think it captures us, hopefully my club members will agree! I will post a picture of us at our Nov. meeting!
ps. this month we are reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer chosen by Renee ;)

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