Saturday, October 1, 2011

Doggie's day at the Salon!

Grandy rode eagerly to his 9am apmnt to have a wash,cut and manicure at the PetSmart Salon this morning. He was shaking like a leaf, but his stylist Emily told us that he even gave her kisses during the treatments. (men-don't try this with your stylists!) He had his nails ground down(now he skids all over the place on the floors, a great comic addition to the house!) To complement his new slender physique Danny and Charlotte picked out a nice dark green cable knit sweater for the chilly fall days. And of course he got 2 new toys (spoiled you say...yeah!)

the cut begins!


check me out!

my stylist loves me!

snake!! Get him!

In other exciting suburban housewife news...Shawne and I dropped Sophie,Danny,Charlotte and Leah off at the free kids showing of KungFu Panda 2, and we went to see Contagion. Holy handwashing! This movie was great and a little frightening. The star was the disease process not the actors, and it was well done.  Molly went to see abduction with 3 friends. She was supposed to use a cell phone to call us when she was ready to come home, and we didn't hear from her. We thought they had walked to Leo's for a snack, but after a while Jerry got concerned. He drove to the theatre and the restaurant and there was no sign of her. Now we move into panic mode, calling the 3 kids and finding out that she was at the theatre when they left. Okay, where is she?? We call the Fairway Trails gang, Jer drives the route, he heads back to the theatre and I get ready to head to Target to search there, when she appears at the theatre. She had been there the whole time, maybe in the bathroom while Jer was there the first time. She was just asking the manager for help, possibly prompted by the darkness falling or the growls from her stomach. She does not have a feeling/concept of time. She was pretty upset, I think she knew she blew it. We were just happy we didn't have to call the police. Hopefully the lesson "I will call my parents right away for a ride" has sunk in, and I will need to do some work on her cellphone ability. Alls' well that ends well(with the exception of the Tiger Game! Yanks 9-1, Molly sad/Charlotte happy!)

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