Friday, October 28, 2011

Friendship Friday!

List of Friends I connected with..
  1. Coffee with Karen! We get a chance to reconnect and catch up on how her kids are doing, how her trip to Maine went and all that jazz. We finish our ultimate coffee clatch with a trip to HomeGoods, where we putter and chat. I needed to water that friendship flower, if I don't it will die, and then so might I!

2. Email from Catherine! Got a positive response to a request for Aunt Catherine to have a special      day with Charlotte. I feel blessed to have a sister-in-law who loves and cares...even from NJ!

3. Phone call with Allie.I have been feeling bad that we haven't spoken, I needed to work on our friendship. I am SO proud that she is excelling at cross country,working so hard at practice and so hard in school. Even emails home to Mom about her excellent math scores..This is a great young lady who I am happy to be friends with. She keeps me young(if that's possible!)

4. Outing with my girls! Now I'm not one to try to be "friends" with my kids, but I do know I have to spend time with them where I am not yelling! It sounds easy but....Anyway, we went to the regional Cross Country meet at Huron Meadows. We cheered on Brighton and CC. Brighton girls came in second and made it to the state finals!

I hope that your Friday was as good as mine!

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