Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Next Year....and we're off!

Well I just can't stop! I like the blog and I guess I'm going on. Feel free to stop reading! One year was probably good for you, and let me know if you have a name suggestion (no Susan, it can't be anything with backward in it! I'm still growing!)
So onward, today was a super dreary,rainy and blustery day, but we stayed warm with Jerry's cooking efforts. He took one of the TWO bushels of tomatoes he got from Hank and got busy! We blanched, we peeled,we blended,we cooked,added spices,onions, peppers, sausage,meatballs or chicken and the sauce factory was in high gear. End result..dinner tonight and for many nights to come, a full freezer in fact. So come over for dinner!
Typical Wednesday of busy fun, we delivered pumpkins to Molly's class, they are thrilled and plan a pumpkin carving day on Friday--Thanks Uncle Hank!
Danny and I went to Fairway Trails and played Pumpkin Fairy to our old neighbors which was fun! We also made a stop at the jewelry store, and made some adjustments to my beautiful birthday bracelet. We switched the cross to silver, and Danny's bead to a more boyish style, and I picked out a suitcase charm to represent all of our travels,(and hopefully more to come!) I love my new present! And I am having my Dad necklace repaired, the two missing diamond chips will be replaced and all other stones checked for tightness. I miss Dad so much this time of year, he was always here to make me feel like a birthday princess. I love you Dad.
Happy Birthday to me! from Jerry and the kids

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