Monday, October 17, 2011


Well, I did it! One year ago tomorrow I decided to record my 49th year for posterity. My goal was to write a post each day and to challenge myself to move forward in all/every way. 49 and forward meant that the year would march along without my help and soon I would be 50. But with some effort could I move myself forward? Now I know in some blogs people do things like cook through Julia Childs French Cooking, or pledge not to shop, or even swear to be happy every day. Thank goodness I didn't pledge to do any of that(though I know Jer would be down with the shopping one!) I simply thought that be aware and trying to take opportunities would be enough of a challenge...and the writing every day. Now I know you purists may argue that my catch-up days shouldn't count, but I think as long as I made an entry for that day, than it is okay. And I tried for daily, my intentions were honorable.  I won't be reviewing all my activities(lucky you!) but as far as I'm concerned, I DID IT! I feel like I grew spiritually, and that has helped me grow in all other ways. And who could have imagined when I set out this year that I would be flying to LA with Molly, and going with Danny to Rome! So many awesome,blessed things, and I thank GOD for all he has given me which enabled me to go,do,see, and be!
Should I keep blogging? Do I change the name? Does anyone care:)  ?
email me at and let me know what you think, since I have no followers who comment on my blog! Thanks for reading with me this year!

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