Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday 10/6/11 Trip or No Trip?

This game is definitely not as much fun as Deal or No Deal! I got an email from Jake's mother-in-law late last night asking us to bring Cammy's daughter Annabelle to New York with us when we came to visit. This was a big deal on many levels-and was a bit of salt in the wound. Now not only would our visit be shared with the mother-in-law, but now we could travel with and watch out for 5year old Annabelle. Just alot to take in. I stopped in to church to talk to Father Karl about the many different feelings I have, and he was amazing! I have never gone to talk to a priest before, but I'm so glad I did. He told me to feel what I feel, it's not right or wrong...and then think about what actions I'm taking. When I told him that I ask GOD each morning "How do you want to use me today?" like he tells us to, he responded that for me he has a new one, that GOD just put on his heart, he told me to say to GOD "how do you want to love me today?" WOW! it just gave me so much peace.
After much back and forth all day, with Jer in Minnesota and returning as I left for my 5-9 shift at work, it was decided that we would not make the trip after all. Jerry and Jake talked, and Jake seemed almost relieved. He is leaving next Sunday, and has enough going on with Cammy and her Mom, we feel. We did see him in August, and he told Jer that sometime during the middle 8 months of his deployment, he will get 2 weeks in the states. Hopefully we can see him then.
Sad, mad, relaxed now, sick and tired of the whole thing....many feelings (none of them wrong!Thanks Fr. K!) and that's where we stand.
ps. it must be reported that the Tigers beat the Yankees-poor Charlotte! Happy Molly :)

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