Thursday, October 13, 2011

Almost to the Doctor I go!

And it wasn't too bad. My bookclub friends encouraged me on Tuesday with suggestions and support. And of course Dr. D is so handsome and nice...
Anyway all looks well, mamo and colonoscopy loom, and a visit to a Derm(oh you child of the 60's...remember misting yourself with baby oil?!)  and I'll await the results of my blood work and pap, but other than that, I'm good! Continue to exercise, especially weight training, and be alert to any changes..sounds easy enough. I did it!
Aunt Reg out of the rehab and home, great news! The PT's will service her at home a couple of times a week and she is getting around with a wheeled seat and her walker. She said her cat snubbed her when she first got home!
Danny had a good day at school, and also hit a tae kwando class. The girls raced home to watch the Tigers, who came on at 4:19, and then we all headed to soccer practice. The state tourney is next Friday and Saturday, and Jerry,Danny and I are all chaperoning, which should be really fun.

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