Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Birthday note to the best sister in the world

Me and Sooz

Happy Birthday to the Best Sister in the whole wide world from her pesky little sister! I know you have had to share the last 50 years of your life with me.. and I want to make sure you know just how much you mean to me. You are an incredibly smart, patient,thoughtful person;someone who many people count on every day. You keep your family running smoothly,your girl scout troop producing honor winners, your hospital pharmacy one of the best in the state. Your soda bread is legendary every March and your gift of  meals often bring a bit of brightness to a family who is having trouble.
The world is a better place because of you, that is true, but MY life is what it is because of your love and care for me all of my life. To go through childhood with the sure knowledge of the love of a big sister is to have a huge golden umbrella over me, so that no matter what the weather in my life, I am warm and protected. Though Mom dressed us alike until we were 10 and 11 years old, we have different personalities. This has lead to an appreciation for others who are not the same as us I think. You were the studious one, which came in handy and set a good example for me. Thanks for staying up really late that night when I was in 5th grade and drawing all the maps for my Lewis and Clark report! Even though people didn't believe we were sisters in high school (hmm, was it the difference in our looks or the fact that YOU were so smart and well behaved?!) I always knew we were because you always watched out for me. You let me hide up in your room in the attic when things got tough downstairs, I felt like we were a team then. And I loved being your roommate in Bloomfield! Our time together is so special to me, it is the cream in the Oreo of my life. Caring for Dad together, caring for each others kids in good times and bad, shopping, drinking our coffee's at DunkinDonuts, sharing books and beach houses and hopes and dreams..Thank you for being there for me, I hope you know how much it means to me, because I don't think I can express it. I guess I'll just say Thank you GOD for Susan, without whom I would be very lonely and sad, but with her,  I am a sister!

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