Thursday, October 27, 2011

He ain't nothing but a Hound Ghoul....

Starting off the Halloween season with a party at the Tae kwan do studio, we have ghoulish Elvis! The mask was purchased at JoAnne Fabrics and the rest we pulled together from the dress up clothes. Doesn't he look awesome?!
The party was fun, and afterwards the gang scampered right off to the fall choir concert. I declined because I was bound and determined to get the bed cleared off so that Jer could sleep in it tonight, after 2 nights in the basement.  He was very patient. Danny knocked out his entire school day, including spelling test, social studies test, and 30 minutes of piano by 12:15. He enjoyed his new Wii game, bull riding during his free afternoon. Tomorrow it's coffee with Karen and Friday night bball.

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