Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Halloween started off well, with a smiling Charlotte heading off to school in her spider web pants and orang "I'm the Good Witch " shirt.
Now that is a happy morning!
We experienced some weather related technology difficulties with school this am, but no problem, we went low tech...spelling words,piano,book report. All good!
Highlight of school was our first Home Ec class, taught by Karol Christianson.
She helped us get the machine out of the box after 18 months, wind the bobbin et al, and sew! Danny did a great job, and after learning how to run the machine made a pillow. Wow!
working on our new machine

my teacher Karol

My finished pillow project

And if that wasn't enough, it's HALLOWEEN! Danny heads to the Larsens to Trick or Treat with his friend Brianna and her sister Michaela.  My crew sucks down the pumpkin chilli I made (yes Susan, it was Great!!) Then we head to Fairway Trails. We plop ourselves at Karen and Eric's, and I even get a chair. We get about 150 kids through, and as usual the neighborhood is hopping. This year they even had a firetruck parked and passing out candy! And the weather, after a brief sprinkle, cooperated.

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