Monday, October 10, 2011

Special Olympics Family Fall Fest!

What a gorgeous day! We had mass in the morning and then Molly and Charlotte headed off to the movies with their friend Gary. We picked up Sally Porter and the girls and Gary, and headed to Bishop Lake  What Fun! A great turnout, 83 degrees, blue skies, happy athletes and families. We had sack races,pumpkin rolling, donut eating,pumpkin painting, face painting and  a hot dog cart! It was a great chance for families to visit with each other, and for the athletes to socialize. Rhonda and Ryan came out to support us, and Ry stayed and played all the games with Danny. This was awesome, because that is what Danny misses most about school-his bud. We spoke to Aunt Reg and she is hoping to get out of the rehab in the next couple of days, what great news!

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