Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday 10-3-11

Monday is so typical. Don't you find  that you have super high expectations for what you'll do? I know I do!  And sometimes it's a go, and sometimes not. Today was menza/menz. Had fun with Danny, subbed in at work so had to leave the kiddies to fend for themselves...but all ended up okay.  Danny was supposed to be in bed at 8:45 and when I called, Charlotte was eating dessert(normally she is sleeping!) and she said Danny wasn't ready for his yet. What?? he's still up? yes, he's in the library reading TinTin. Okay, let me talk to him...Hello Mom, he says cheerfully. What time is it? I say cheerfully. UUHHH OOHH. I lost track of time. So everyone settled by 10pm, which is just a little late for me.!

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