Sunday, October 30, 2011

on the road again, on two feet!

I made pumpkin pancakes this morning from the IHOP recipe, and they came out great. Served them with sausage and warm maple praline syrup.
When everyone had carb-loaded we headed out for a run. Molly ran to downtown, Charlotte,Danny and I hit the trail along the woods. It was glorious! My favourite moment was when I mentioned the beautiful leaf colours to Danny, he said,
"Mom, there's a Calvin and Hobbs cartoon that says..Sometimes we need to be quiet and let autumn do the talking" Not only is that accurate and Adorable, but he sounded exactly like Jake when he said it! Good memories, which I am working on concentrating on!
Danny and I went to 5pm and had the pleasure of serving the mass-Father Mark talked about encouraging vocations among our young men. It was very inspirational to here him talking about his own vocation.
ready to run!

go team!!

we made it! andfinished the same time as Molly. Karen, my new birthday shirt worked great!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friendship Friday!

List of Friends I connected with..
  1. Coffee with Karen! We get a chance to reconnect and catch up on how her kids are doing, how her trip to Maine went and all that jazz. We finish our ultimate coffee clatch with a trip to HomeGoods, where we putter and chat. I needed to water that friendship flower, if I don't it will die, and then so might I!

2. Email from Catherine! Got a positive response to a request for Aunt Catherine to have a special      day with Charlotte. I feel blessed to have a sister-in-law who loves and cares...even from NJ!

3. Phone call with Allie.I have been feeling bad that we haven't spoken, I needed to work on our friendship. I am SO proud that she is excelling at cross country,working so hard at practice and so hard in school. Even emails home to Mom about her excellent math scores..This is a great young lady who I am happy to be friends with. She keeps me young(if that's possible!)

4. Outing with my girls! Now I'm not one to try to be "friends" with my kids, but I do know I have to spend time with them where I am not yelling! It sounds easy but....Anyway, we went to the regional Cross Country meet at Huron Meadows. We cheered on Brighton and CC. Brighton girls came in second and made it to the state finals!

I hope that your Friday was as good as mine!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

He ain't nothing but a Hound Ghoul....

Starting off the Halloween season with a party at the Tae kwan do studio, we have ghoulish Elvis! The mask was purchased at JoAnne Fabrics and the rest we pulled together from the dress up clothes. Doesn't he look awesome?!
The party was fun, and afterwards the gang scampered right off to the fall choir concert. I declined because I was bound and determined to get the bed cleared off so that Jer could sleep in it tonight, after 2 nights in the basement.  He was very patient. Danny knocked out his entire school day, including spelling test, social studies test, and 30 minutes of piano by 12:15. He enjoyed his new Wii game, bull riding during his free afternoon. Tomorrow it's coffee with Karen and Friday night bball.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A smiling happy day!

Today Danny told me twice how happy he was! I tell you, with all the self doubt that surrounds parenting, hearing that is pretty awesome! All you want is for your kids to be happy,right?!
Danny had a great piano lesson, I had a great coffee chat with my friend Cynthia, and I got the pumpkins to the library! It is nice not to be driving around with them in the car. Danny joined 18 other teens in a carving contest. We did a PA announcement and invited everyone at the library to walk through our display and vote for 4 pumpkins. Danny's won! He is on cloud 9, and he was already happy! LIG!!

Library Pumpkin Party

Danny starts the scooping process

Digging in!

Winner! Most Original!

The four winners, funniest,best overall, most original and scariest!
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

University of Michigan Womens Soccer Game!

After 8am mass and a quick breakfast, we headed down to Ann Arbor. What a treat! We had been invited to the game by Dave, Molly's bus assistant, who is a weekend usher at U of M events. He told Coach Ryan about Molly, and she got to go into the locker room and meet the team and talked to them. It was a mutual love fest, and she received a signed poster from the team.  Coach Ryan came to the stands to meet the family, and all 3 kids participated  in the halftime musical chairs game (Alas no winner among them!) It was warm and sunny and the seats were great! It was just a fun family afternoon!
Got together with my friend Kim and took a 3 mile walk later in the day. It was great to catch up with her while Danny and Scott jumped on the trampoline. I even taught her how to Facetime! thanks for taking our call Sooz!
At 3:30pm,Jerry drove to the lake and dropped off a couple of chairs and picked up the rest of the pumpkins for the library and fished and drove home--what a guy!

at the soccer game sporting her SO scarf!

The kids with Molly's friend Dave

action shot

musical chairs

Dad and Danny enjoying the game :)

Saturday 10/22/11

Danny Pirrello, my cousin, is celebrating his birthday today. When we were growing up we hung out together since we are only 2 years apart. He is an awesome guy who loves to run, loves Penn State(who won their football game for him!) and is the best son a family could ever ask for! Happy Birthday Danny!

The tourney continues, and Molly and Charlotte had their first game at 9am, followed by the consolation match at 12noon. They lost both, but played really hard and took home fourth place ribbons. Channel 2 Foxnews came to the park and filmed the girls playing soccer, and interviewed the family for a piece promoting SO and their gala in November. That was fun.
fun at the dance

PJ tickling Danny to death!

Erin,Coach Michelle,Alexia and Kelley

gettin down with the clowns!

Molly and CEO of SOMI Lois Arnold


good game handshake time ;)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Next Year....and we're off!

Well I just can't stop! I like the blog and I guess I'm going on. Feel free to stop reading! One year was probably good for you, and let me know if you have a name suggestion (no Susan, it can't be anything with backward in it! I'm still growing!)
So onward, today was a super dreary,rainy and blustery day, but we stayed warm with Jerry's cooking efforts. He took one of the TWO bushels of tomatoes he got from Hank and got busy! We blanched, we peeled,we blended,we cooked,added spices,onions, peppers, sausage,meatballs or chicken and the sauce factory was in high gear. End result..dinner tonight and for many nights to come, a full freezer in fact. So come over for dinner!
Typical Wednesday of busy fun, we delivered pumpkins to Molly's class, they are thrilled and plan a pumpkin carving day on Friday--Thanks Uncle Hank!
Danny and I went to Fairway Trails and played Pumpkin Fairy to our old neighbors which was fun! We also made a stop at the jewelry store, and made some adjustments to my beautiful birthday bracelet. We switched the cross to silver, and Danny's bead to a more boyish style, and I picked out a suitcase charm to represent all of our travels,(and hopefully more to come!) I love my new present! And I am having my Dad necklace repaired, the two missing diamond chips will be replaced and all other stones checked for tightness. I miss Dad so much this time of year, he was always here to make me feel like a birthday princess. I love you Dad.
Happy Birthday to me! from Jerry and the kids

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Birthday Fun

holding my boy!

He is gaining on me!

Happy Birthday shorty!
A fun day, with cards, treats and great phone calls and emails from lots of friends. I an a very lucky gal!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Well, I did it! One year ago tomorrow I decided to record my 49th year for posterity. My goal was to write a post each day and to challenge myself to move forward in all/every way. 49 and forward meant that the year would march along without my help and soon I would be 50. But with some effort could I move myself forward? Now I know in some blogs people do things like cook through Julia Childs French Cooking, or pledge not to shop, or even swear to be happy every day. Thank goodness I didn't pledge to do any of that(though I know Jer would be down with the shopping one!) I simply thought that be aware and trying to take opportunities would be enough of a challenge...and the writing every day. Now I know you purists may argue that my catch-up days shouldn't count, but I think as long as I made an entry for that day, than it is okay. And I tried for daily, my intentions were honorable.  I won't be reviewing all my activities(lucky you!) but as far as I'm concerned, I DID IT! I feel like I grew spiritually, and that has helped me grow in all other ways. And who could have imagined when I set out this year that I would be flying to LA with Molly, and going with Danny to Rome! So many awesome,blessed things, and I thank GOD for all he has given me which enabled me to go,do,see, and be!
Should I keep blogging? Do I change the name? Does anyone care:)  ?
email me at and let me know what you think, since I have no followers who comment on my blog! Thanks for reading with me this year!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's my book club and I'm gonna name it!

Okay, so for some reason today I decided to name my bookclub! I started it 2 years ago in March, after we finished the library. We have 7 members and we take turns picking the books. We meet in my library the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. After lively discussion we adjourn to the kitchen for desserty like items and more coffee,tea or whatever you like. And lots of great talk about our families and lives. We also have a drawing for a small door prize provided by the gal who chose the book, who also brings the treat. Got It? I have read alot of interesting books and really look froward to the monthly meetings. So I decided that we should have a name(why not before this? I don't know!) so are you ready for it....
Ladies Laughing in the Library (LLL)

What do you think? I think it captures us, hopefully my club members will agree! I will post a picture of us at our Nov. meeting!
ps. this month we are reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer chosen by Renee ;)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Birthday note to the best sister in the world

Me and Sooz

Happy Birthday to the Best Sister in the whole wide world from her pesky little sister! I know you have had to share the last 50 years of your life with me.. and I want to make sure you know just how much you mean to me. You are an incredibly smart, patient,thoughtful person;someone who many people count on every day. You keep your family running smoothly,your girl scout troop producing honor winners, your hospital pharmacy one of the best in the state. Your soda bread is legendary every March and your gift of  meals often bring a bit of brightness to a family who is having trouble.
The world is a better place because of you, that is true, but MY life is what it is because of your love and care for me all of my life. To go through childhood with the sure knowledge of the love of a big sister is to have a huge golden umbrella over me, so that no matter what the weather in my life, I am warm and protected. Though Mom dressed us alike until we were 10 and 11 years old, we have different personalities. This has lead to an appreciation for others who are not the same as us I think. You were the studious one, which came in handy and set a good example for me. Thanks for staying up really late that night when I was in 5th grade and drawing all the maps for my Lewis and Clark report! Even though people didn't believe we were sisters in high school (hmm, was it the difference in our looks or the fact that YOU were so smart and well behaved?!) I always knew we were because you always watched out for me. You let me hide up in your room in the attic when things got tough downstairs, I felt like we were a team then. And I loved being your roommate in Bloomfield! Our time together is so special to me, it is the cream in the Oreo of my life. Caring for Dad together, caring for each others kids in good times and bad, shopping, drinking our coffee's at DunkinDonuts, sharing books and beach houses and hopes and dreams..Thank you for being there for me, I hope you know how much it means to me, because I don't think I can express it. I guess I'll just say Thank you GOD for Susan, without whom I would be very lonely and sad, but with her,  I am a sister!

new idea

I found out about a neat volunteer opportunity..It is a site called
Books For
Members of the deployed Armed Forces log on and request books, DVDs, music and small snack/personal care items. You can make a little care package and send it out to them. I would hate to be without a book wherever I was, so this is one need I can totally relate to. Danny and I are excited to get started and encourage you to check it out.  You register on the site to get access to the list of items folks Jake heads off tomorrow I thought it would be nice to start sharing with troops overseas.
The Tigers are getting rocked and I'm going to bed..I know Molly will be very bummed out.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fun Friday lives on, rain or shine!

A rainy it's perfect for Danny for his sleeping in morning. He gets up at around 9am, and we enjoy a nice breakfast. We decide to put on our story and finish up our book page wreaths. What a relaxing happy time! We also make a couple of apple pies. At 2 we walk down to pick up Charlotte and enjoy a winnie-the-pooh like walk home (blustery day!) We zoom Jerry up to pick up the tuned up van and stop at Kroger for the big Progresso soup sale(aahh, the mundane!),then gas,post office and the library.
Tonight is the first night of Friday night BBall, and since Jerry is taking the kids up to the lake right after, he takes them all out to Leo's before hand. What a guy.
Shawne comes over to watch a movie, a weepy at her request. We settle on
A Place In The Heart with a very young Sally Field,Danny Glover and Ed Harris.
One thing that really made me furious...I had called the Olive Garden in Watertown and arranged(I thought) to have Jake and Cammy go for dinner tonight on us. Unfortunately, when they arrived there was trouble and I was driving with Shawne to pick up Leah and hadn't grabbed my phone. Jake had to call Jer, who had to call the restaurant...UGH! Made me so mad--why arrange things if they will not be handled the way they should be.  Hopefully they had a nice time.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Almost to the Doctor I go!

And it wasn't too bad. My bookclub friends encouraged me on Tuesday with suggestions and support. And of course Dr. D is so handsome and nice...
Anyway all looks well, mamo and colonoscopy loom, and a visit to a Derm(oh you child of the 60's...remember misting yourself with baby oil?!)  and I'll await the results of my blood work and pap, but other than that, I'm good! Continue to exercise, especially weight training, and be alert to any changes..sounds easy enough. I did it!
Aunt Reg out of the rehab and home, great news! The PT's will service her at home a couple of times a week and she is getting around with a wheeled seat and her walker. She said her cat snubbed her when she first got home!
Danny had a good day at school, and also hit a tae kwando class. The girls raced home to watch the Tigers, who came on at 4:19, and then we all headed to soccer practice. The state tourney is next Friday and Saturday, and Jerry,Danny and I are all chaperoning, which should be really fun.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I post now but don't write anything...tomorrow I edit and it still posted today! Sneaky,Sneaky!!

Now logging on on Thursday night and adding stuff-see how slick that is?? No one will ever know!
 Danny and I were blessed with going to Ashley Court for our service in the morning. Building 3/4 did great with the body of Christ today. Afterwards we did a quick shop to grab chicken to make for dinner. Jerry's client is coming over and they are running, then eating and playing downstairs. I will leave everything set up, but I am going to the Women's Walk with the Lord .
This presentation was excellent, Deacon Dave and his wife Janet spoke on their large family of 8 kids, 3 with special needs,caring for aging parents and more.
Father Joe said mass because our Priests were at a meeting. and he was wonderful. Spiritual and funny, what a blessing. I feel very fulfilled.

Wednesday afternoon baby time!

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Book Club! with Babka!

We had a poignant story this month, Take The Long Way Home by Gail Caldwell. This book was a memoir she wrote about her relationship with her best friend Caroline, who died of cancer. This is not a spoiler, this is announced in the first sentence of the book. The story traces there friendship, and details lives which include jobs as writers, battles with alcoholism, their 2 amazing dogs, rowing, and much more. Great discussion on death and dying, friends in our lives and losses we've all had. It was a great night.And too top it all off Cindy brought a babka! And everyone knows "you can't beat a babka!"
Jerry got home from his trip, and I took the kids to cheer on Brighton on the cross country field, and Danny had an excellent piano lesson. GREAT DAY!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Season begins..

We got booed! No not my singing! We were eating dinner when the doorbell rang and we saw someone running away. On the doorstep was a pumpkin pail filled with goodies, a cute votive candle, a dish towel, candy, a cute wooden sign. How cute! After taekwondo tonight Danny and I stopped at the store and bought halloween goodies. We filled up our baskets and then Danny set out on the mission. First he changed out of his white taekwondo uniform and into black clothes. It was full dark and he set out to drop and run at 2 nearby houses. He had a blast, and he says he wasn't seen. Do you do this in your neighborhood? If not, try it..
Captain Boo

my mission, to secretly deliver candy

I'm off

SO Picnic photos

Sally and Charlotte

Molly and the Pasco boys

swimmer Sally with her coaches, Kerry and Cathy

fall fence sitters

PJ gives a great speech on our terrific program

all our athletes

Jerry and Big Jay

donut eating contest, Mickaela and Jacob

Charlotte's arm painting-she's still a loyal fan

Danny painting his masterpiece

Jerry gives Sally a hand with her pumpkin

Kristen keeps an eye on Grandy for us

3 legged sack race(they won)

solo sacking!

I even gave it a shot!