Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday 9/14/11 Nice Times with my cousins

Though it was a funeral, it was still a nice time. Weird, huh? But we had a beautiful mass with an Irish priest, who spoke about what we leave to our children when we die. How we should be aiming for the legacy of a love for JESUS, and a rich faith life rather than material possessions. Meg gave a fantastic eulogy, with laughter and tears. One great line was that she remembers her mom leaving the house to go to work smelling of Heaven Sent perfume, and coming home smelling of chocolate(she and Uncle John both worked for years at M&M Mars). The grandkids all spoke about their Grandma. Then we went to the Hanover Manor for lunch and had a chance to visit together. I was glad I had a chance to spend time with my Mom, even though it was short.  So it was sad and happy, and I am very glad that I went.

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