Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sauce Saturday! another clever title :) (darn, posted it at 12:01!)

Red for tomatoes! Jerry and Danny made a huge batch of sauce with meatballs and sausage. Worked on the prep, cooked it all day in the roaster, and served it for dinner! They also have 5 more dinner batches in the freezer. Not bad boys!
We squeezed in taekwando, dog walking and a pantry rehab(3/4 finished) along with mass and assorted football watching. Molly just bounded into the bedroom to teell me the "big news" Michigan overtook Notre Dame in the final seconds and won their first night game ever. Go Blue!  Jerry was sad that CMU lost, but happy that they were beaten by Kentucky, whose starting end is his old assistant Toni's son Anthony. It was fun to watch him on TV!
Jerry teaching Danny how to make meatballs

it's going well...

mashing it all together

stirring in the spices

it smells great!

even Molly likes Grandy!

"every lap feels perfect!"  thinks the dog...

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