Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm on it! GO ME!

Okay! That's what I'm talking about. I made a list at 6am and I did it all! And alot of it was stuff I had let go-so I feel quite happy and proud of  myself. Danny had a good school work day, and I banked,gassed,Rx'd,moved more stuff out of the condo, picked up Charlotte at school, walked the dog in the rain, had the piano tuned, took girls to the DR. for their shots,and watched Danny do 1:45 minutes of Taekwando (long story, first 45min  was a kids class and Master Kil told him he was too old/good to be in it, and he should do the next class too! he was one sweaty fella!) Then made dinner, gathered medals,hats and SO outfits for the Capitol Day rally tomorrow. At 6:30am we will depart for Lansing !!

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