Thursday, September 22, 2011

Capitol Day, Lansing Tuesday 9/20/11

Free breakfast? Yay!

passed the security screening, cleared to lobby!

on the 14th floor of the house of representatives office building, capitol in the background

great view

Capitol Building

Delivering our folders full of info to all the lawmakers

state capitol tradition, lay on the glass floor

I ran up to the 4th florr to get the shot!

the view from the floor!

Representative Bill Rogers with our group
me,Danny, AD MaryJane, Becca, Molly,Charlotte, and Kylee

Danny loved this guys name!

A beautiful day spent lobbying for a good cause
The day began in Lansing at 7:45 am, with breakfast and briefings. Then all the Special Olympics athletes,coaches and family members fanned out around the capitol to lobby the senators and house reps to support bill 381-382. This bill would allow Special Olympics to have a check-off box on the state tax return, and allow folks to designate $5/$10 from their return to benefit SO. This would be a great thing and help the funding of the programs statewide. We had a great time talking to everyone. The 4 of us would go in, Molly would say, "Good Morning, we are here from Special Olympics", Charlotte would say nothing! Danny would pass the folder and explain what bill 381-382 was, and I would add pertinent comments. I think it was a good experience for them and they got to see politics in action. The day was warm and sunny and we ate a lunch on the capitol lawn and watched sports demonstrations by SO Athletes.
Finished up, shot home by 3pm, made dinner, fed dinner, hosted book club! Whew!!! Busy day!

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