Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day of Rest, mostly!

here's to bacon!

cholesterol for everyone!!

Well we relaxed today, in fact I read this morning on the sunporch with my coffee! Finished my book by 8am and finished a pot of coffee! Jerry made a big bacon and egg breakfast for he and the girls. We ran in the afternoon(Sam, we missed you!) and took the dog. We ran a couple of miles first, then got Grandy from the car and took him for a nice walk. Used his cool thirsty dog water bottle/bowl--slick!
After a fantastic mass with Father Mark(until you love yourself, you can't love your neighbor as we are commanded by Jesus. An amazing but complex thing to roll around in your mind!) we did what makes our church life so special, we visited with friends. So many groups of people standing around after mass, laughing, talking, caring about each other. You feel a part of the body of CHRIST for sure! Father Mark turned the lights out on us!
Charlotte was worried about the dog being alone, but he did just fine. Charlotte,Jerry and I took him for a nice long walk. She has had so much fun telling everyone her big news!
After I Love Lucy and the Detroit Tigers(up 9-0 as I type!) the evening is shutting down. Aahhh!

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