Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday 9/27 BDL and home drama...

I was asked to sub at the last minute at work this morning. Danny did an hour of work then I dropped him off at Karen's. He walked up to piano lessons, then back to her house. They went to the apple orchard and picked 4 kinds of fresh apples. Back at her house they peeled and chopped and baked, and he brought home apples and a fresh baked apple crumble! Now that's a fun morning! He also finished up school, joined me at the library to make an awesome book wreath, and went to taekwando. BUSY!
Meanwhile while at work I get a call that Mom is in the hospital. She had a bleeding issue on Monday night and went to the ER. Decided not to call us, and then spent the night in the ER and was admitted on this morning. They will do a cat scan, and a colonoscopy. So between her and Aunt Reg (now in for a week) I am pretty stressed out. I want everyone to be better.
Jerry has colleagues in from the Netherlands and he was busy all day and night with them. Yup, that left me on driving and dog walking and dinner detail!

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