Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rouge Factory Tour! Another field trip..?( am I Ms. Frizzle?!)

Jerry asked Danny and I to join the Dutch guys on a tour of Fords Rouge truck plant. This is where they make the Ford F150. The guys are very nice, and it turns out that they are international safety experts for factories, so they really enjoy viewing the plant and critiquing what isn't as safe as it should be. We also do the living roof and the 2 movies. If you haven't gone you should make a point of it, or at least take your next out of town visitors there! Harry and Nikko loved the whole thing, and we capped it off by stopping at A&W for burgers and rootbeer floats(a first). It was really enjoyable. Then home again for school for Danny and coffee/cereal for me. Off to work at 5pm to assist with teen movie night, We only had 4 kids come :(
I stopped at Meijer on the way home to buy a couple of Tigers shirts for Jerry to give the Dutch guys tomorrow.
Susan went down the shore to take care of Mom. Hopefully the results of the tests will be fine, and she will come home tomorrow. Susan did a sweep of the house, and is telling the nurses what meds she needs, so that it fantastic. Susan and the family are going to Deleware to visit Claire this weekend. I think it will be a great trip and that they will all be happy to see each other!

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