Thursday, September 22, 2011

Piano Lessons at Last! Wednesday 9/21/11

I am happy to report that Danny finally started piano lessons, after cancelling 2x's! Mrs. Evans is a former elementary music teacher who is older, and quite no nonsense. This is my idea of a good teacher. She told Danny she would teach him to read music and give him a firm background to move forward from. They worked together for about 40 minutes on music, playing, and where he is at. She lent us a book to work from and when she decides which book she thinks he is at, she let us buy one.  He practiced when he got home, and eagerly played for Jerry(who finally arrived home from Chicago around 8pm). I downloaded some musical note/learning apps onto the Ipad to further move things along. Danny also went to Taekwando, and Charlotte and Molly and I had back to school night for Charlotte at the high school. I am happy with the program she is in and I am cautiously optimistic...!

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