Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday 9/26 And we're off!

Charlotte heads off with all her paperwork to start her job trial, she will be in the Brighton High School cafeteria. Unfortunately she can't go to St. Pats because the timing is off, it needs to be during 5/6th hours of the day. She will be stocking in the Caf. and doing prep for the next day. We shall see! Molly also starts back up at Head Start and dog biscuits this week, so we will have 2 "working girls"!
Danny got a good jump on his week. Our morning chapter book is one of my old favourites from childhood, Snow Treasure. It is historical fiction, set in Norway in WWII, and tells the story of how a bunch of kids helped sneak gold bricks out of Norway under the watchful eye of the Nazi's. It is a great story, and it is fun to read it again and share it with Danny

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