Saturday, September 3, 2011

A new member of the family...Grandy the Dog!

Grandy (the mellow man) Hincka

The snaggle tooth is endearing

Calling Jake to tell him about her new dog!

She is in love!!!

Well we did it! We got a new dog today, through last chance rescue in Howell. They post the dogs online, so I was able to do some investigating. This little guy had to be turned in by his owner when she went into a Nursing Home. Charlotte is so happy and excited to have a dog of her own. We dropped the big bucks on him, and all his needs, food, bowls, etc. Oh well! Charlotte has walked and cleaned his poop(with the handy bags attached to his leash) so so far so good! I just hope he attaches to her. I am trying to stay away. She has named him Grandy, after Curtis Granderson, of her beloved Yankees, and it is a cute name for sure.  Danny will be very surprised when he gets home from his trip up north. The getting of the dog pretty much took up all day. Jerry and the girls came home from the lake when it started pouring at 10am. They really wanted to watch Brady Hokes debut as football coach at U of M, and I reminded Jer that he had central air(it is 92 today) and a recliner here in Brighton, so home they came. Just in time to meet me at Pet Smart where they show the dogs available for adoption. Grandy is a "fluffy mix" we are saying, he definitely has Shih Tzu in him, the gal said. Anyway we are pretty excited to have this big new event in our lives!!

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