Saturday, September 24, 2011

Soccer Saturday

Special Olympics Livingston County celebrates Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day by attending a soccer tourney in Farmington Hills. Jerry coached Molly and Charlotte's team, because Coach Michelle had another engagement.  Coach did a terrific job(after telling me to "Be Quiet!" oops!) though they lost both their games. The girls really hustled, Molly on offense and Charlotte on defense. Danny and I stayed for only the first game, then headed back to Brighton. Frank's Mom's memorial service was at 10:30. We were happy to be able to attend. I had a nice phone call from my long lost best-friend-since-age-10 Lorrie Lockin! We lose touch but always reconnect, and weirdly enough we just start heart-to-heart talking as if no time has passed. Her kids are all fine,and her teaching job still making her happy. I hop and the night was so pretty. e we can get together soon. I took a long walk with Shawne after dinner, and I took the dog! Grandy and I both enjoyed it

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