Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nothing but Fun.....?!

Okay, try this schedule on for size...
1. 6:30 am-up and moving the girls along to school
2. 7:15am-make large batch of banana-blueberry bread out of aging bananas on the counter
3. 8am- wake up Danny and give him his assignments
4. 8:30am -meet Roseanne for coffee talk at Panera
5. 9:20am-go to the library with Roseanne to be in the staff picture for Good Morning Brighton
6. 10:00am-arrive home and take long walk with Danny and Grandy the dog
7. Make Spinach tortellini soup and cheddar bacon cornbread for my luncheon
8. 12:00pm-Nancy and Marian arrive, and I serve tea on the sun porch
9. 1pm-Danny joins us for lunch and we show our Greece/SO videos
10. 2:30pm-the luncheon ends
11. 2:45-get a call that the realtor has the truck we can borrow to move the furniture-NOW!
12. 3pm-5:30- go get truck at office, drive to condo, bust a couple of mad moves as Jer and I load 2 box springs,1 super heavy mattress, chairs,dressers,patio set, and a couch and loveseat. Drive to condo, unload it all, feed kids dinner, jer drive kids to soccer, me return truck.
13. 6pm-home, clean kitchen, empty dishwasher,wash pots,etc and have dinner myself.
7:15pm- take Grandy for a 2 miles walk(flashlight in hand to illuminate the little treats for me to pick up!)
14. 8pm- Jerry and the kids arrive home, and we do evening routines,
15. 8pm.-Laundry continues.....
16. 9:30pm-I decide to lay in bed to write this so I can fall right asleep!

How's that for a day??!!

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