Friday, September 23, 2011

moving ahead with the condo

I am helping Sue Koza to get all the rest of the furniture in her Mom's condo.  I got a call this afternoon that Love,Inc. can come tomorrow for what is left. This is great news because the y are hard to book. This also saves Jerry and I from an afternoon of work. Hopefully my obligation to this project ends Sunday. Sue is very appreciative, and has extended an invite to visit her in Florida this winter...sweet!
Danny and I had an OK day today. Really seesawed between great(walking the dog and discussing the Republican candidates,immigration reform, how religious views affect your politics!) and yuck(Danny groaning and whining over grammar worksheets and card making) It felt Friday=ish to me!
I had planned to go to a movie with Shawne and then hit a wall, annoyed with kids behaviour and my own lack of cleaning and organization, I cancel the movie and vacuum and tackle Danny's room. HOURS later I finish his room and get all we need ready for the morning-soccer tourney(depart at 7:15am) and memorial service for my friend Rhonda's mother=in=law at 10:30 at St. Pats.
End the evening watching a new show with Jerry. We are hoping to find a new show to watch together and gave  Unforgettable with Poppy Montgomery(we loved her in Without a Trace) a try. It was pretty good, in case you need a new show!

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