Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keep in Touch with the Dutch--We are!

This evening we had the pleasure of hosting Jerry's Dutch coleagues at our house. Jerry took them for drinks on Main St., and had planned on dinner, but the waits were too  long! What bad economy??! So they came to the house and had dessert and coffee, then we played pingpong and shuffleboard, then had drinks and little snacks. Nico and Harry enjoyed meeting the girls and playing with Danny. They told great stories, especially exciting wwhen Nico talked about climbing Mont Blanc and hiking all through the alps. With crampons and ropes, the whole bit! Cool!
Danny and I went to mass this morninf for Aunt Reg and Nana. It was the feast of the guardian angels, and a beautiful mass. We did great bunches of schoolwork and also Taekwando. It was a day! Oh yes, it was a day!
See next post for photos!!!

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