Friday, January 31, 2014

Change is a comin!

January is my favourite time for home projects. A couple of years a go Jerry and I turned our dining room into a library in January, and this year we are working on floors and  Fireplaces. I am having wood floors run into the family room(currently carpeted) and the sun porch(currently tiled) and they will be stained to match the existing hardwood which is laid throughout the rest of the first floor. As for my fireplace, I am looking to update it from its 1991 look, removing the shiny green ceramic tile that matched the tile on the sun porch, the too big wood mantel and the unnecessary hearth. With crow bar, tile scraper and a hammer that I broke with my strong pounding, I worked all day. It was very physically draining, especially following an early morning date with a snow shovel!
Anyway, here are some pics, before, and then underway . I will update along the way. Feel free to weigh in on paint color suggestions or fire place facade ideas....I welcome them!!

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