Thursday, January 2, 2014

Baby it's cold outside!

Brrr, we tried to snow shoe today! no dice! It was too chilly even for the hearty Hinckas, never mind this wimpy Gallagher! We did get out to boxing and to the shops. We enjoyed buying new church shoes for our 13 year old with the man size feet ,9 1/2 at the moment, and new snowshoe boots for Charlotte and I. Charlotte proudly wore her sparty sweatshirt all around today and enjoyed chatting with all the other green clad folk. Jake made it home from work and we all had a spaghetti dinner together, with garlic bread made from jersey rolls-yum! I planted myself by the fire at around 8, and I am hp
Y to say I am still there now, sleeping on the couch to stay cozy! 
Stay warm out there!

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