Thursday, January 23, 2014

Purge baby purge!

I am on fire! I have been picking areas around the house, hall linen closet, master bath linen closet, library, my closet, and purging! Books I love but either have read or don't want to....sheets from 1976 and towels with raggedy edges, milk crates that saw me through college, they are GONE! I took an entire car load to Sally's and DIDN'T GO IN! I did returns at 4 stores today and didn't buy anything!
And I am still going. January is a good time to do this, fresh starts and all that. On January 1 it was plunge prep, and on January 12 it was head to jersey time. So on January 20 it became Clean Your House time- from now til the end of the month. With a short Cassie break, starting tonight!
I had a great meeting with Mary Jane on the plunge and just yakking, then met Shawne for her birthday lunch at Panera.

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