Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy new year!

We had a wonderful morning to kick off 2014...mass at 9 in honor of Mary our mother, singing all my favourite Mary songs, home and changed and grabbed the girls and we headed to boxing at 11. John,our train or, was in rare form, full of optimistic chatter throughout he workout ( today is the first day of the rest of your life!! Make a new start! You are setting the tone for your whole year!) it was inspirational and hilarious! Then home to a. It jersey breakfast! Jerry played short order cook and put together Taylor ham,egg and cheese sandwiches on fresh jersey bagels and the kids were so happy. Tasty and satisfied an d ready to make resolutions.
I made one for the family when I hung up my new poster, proclaiming " if you don't have anything nice to say..."
I wish you all a very happy new year, filled with smiles and everything bagels and lots of other surprises!

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