Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another cold day!

Called at around 4:30am due to wind chills of -20. Now rest assured that these temps were predicted all day yesterday and many other schools knew by late afternoon that they were going to be closed. Why we had to wait I do not know, but at least the kids were safe and warm. I got up at 6:30 and shut off the alarms then went back to sleep and woke up at 9am. WHAT! I couldn't believe it! It may have had something to due with staying up until 1:45 to finish my James Paterson book, Postcard Killers...scarey  and good. Danny and I played monopoly and I got more books to give to the library, cooked dinner, talked to mom,etc. I got a call begging for me to help out tonight at BDL and I was happy to help. HAPPY! I got to leave the house! Danny and jake got to work building the IKEA stuff for Danny's bedroom. It looks awesome! Jerry will be home tomorrow from Houston it will be good to have him home.
Molly was excited when she came down the stairs around 5:30 today and saw a deer right next o the house eating plants. Poor things must be starving in this weather.

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