Monday, January 27, 2014

Who says I'm not "artsy"?!

Morning fun for Cassie's breakfast! Whole grain bread from the bread store, toasted and slathered with honey butter. cuties and Cheerios round things out! Doesn't she look kinda rasta? Maybe I am channeling the islands,ya mon!
I had to drive cass to Dearborn this morning and what a treacherous drive it was. Cars spun out all over the place, even one just two cars in front of me. It was scary and I couldn't wait to get the baby out of hune car. I stopped  at IKEA and got a few things for Danny's room, in and out in 45 min. Then home to unload. Working at the library from 3-9. The early part of the shift was busy, then everyone went home. The last hour there was no one there. 
School was called off for tomorrow at around 4:30. I think we will break out the Bewitched collection that Charlotte got for Christmas. I plan to stay in my PJ's all day!

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