Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rest of the trip goes smoothly...

Left moms about 3:30 on Monday. We really had a lovely time, and I feel like I had a positive influence on things. Mom and I spent a lot of time cleaning out her closets and making small changes with big lifestyle payoffs for her. I attached a water filter directly to her sink so that she doesn't have to carry her big Britta  pitcher out of the fridge and over to the sink to pour a drink. She said that she is already drinking more water. I got her some cute lightweight dishes because she eats in her family room and these are easier for hert o carry. Ditto the plastic stemless wine glasses. Added a new basket under her coffee table to hold her placemats and napkins so she is not carrying them to the TV cabinet and bending over to store them. I added a lower hanger in the front hall closet so that she can reach her coats and hang them up. And lots more! She was happily discovering all her little treats, and I know that this lifted her spirits. 
We went to see August:Osage County, very well acted but certainly not a happy story! But fun to have a movie and dinner date.
I also got to attend mass with mom on Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday, and praying together is the best of all. Mom gave me my faith, and it is a blessing to share it with her.
I arrived at Susan's house in time for dinner and a download/ transfer of information related to Medicare, her upcoming apmnt with the spinal specialist and more. I hit the road at 6:50am, trying to beat the storm heading for NJ. Though I did battle some flakes through the PA mountains the ride went fine and I got home around 4:30. Susan got home from work around the same time, and they already have traffic jams and five inches of snow. I am very happy to be home safely.

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