Friday, January 24, 2014


The girls had a day off because it was too cold to wait for the bus! I was super happy because they got to enjoy Cassie and I got to enjoy them! Though it was 3 degrees out we decided to brave it and go to the library for story time. Cassie and Molly enjoyed All Join In, and Charlotte bopped around and found books and music. I love watching Cassie dance! 
We stopped and had lunch at Shawne's house which was great fun. We had a lunch of Kraft Mac and cheese,apple slices and water. Yum! Finally had a chance to give our Christmas presents which was fun! My favourite comment by Cassie, at the lunch table  I asked her if she had anything to say, she said "more chocolate!" We weren't having ANY chocolate! It was hilarious! I think she was channeling Aunt Susan!

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