Friday, January 17, 2014

Changing times

Aging is hard. I know that until I look in the mirror I still think that I am 25. With the possible exception of a knee twinge I feel like I could dance and run and that since I feel that way others must see me like that....then someone young clerk calls you Ma'm, you get your AARP card, or I look in the mirror, and suddenly I'm 52!
So imagine how mom feels, and other people's moms and dads. It is tough to think about leaving your home, admitting you need help.cand it is really hard to for children to talk to their folks about this. Trying to find the sweet spot between caring and bullying,letting them make decisions and letting them understand that you need to be in on the decision too.
I was able to starts the conversation with mom today. It went pretty well, starting with words and ending with hugs and tears. I opened with A Place for Mom, and the information that we have gathered, touched on money, time frame, the Holy Spirit,and how much love and respect her kids have for her. This conversation will continue, but at least it has begun.
I ended it by making dinner and serving it in the family room while we watched Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend, with Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe. This was perfect, we laughed and sang along. A nice way to exit the tough conversation mode.
I pray for us on this journey and I have faith that the Holy Spirit will guide us all as we walk with mom into the future.

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