Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today the email came in at 2 pm, no school AGAIN! We haven't been out oft he house since mass on Saturday night. The walls are starting to close in. I am contemplating and escape in the truck when jake gets home, when he calls to see if Danny can join him in a gaming session at mikes tonight. Poor Danny, stuck in here with his sisters and me...of course I have to say yes. So another long night for us girls, watching sports and staring at each other. And t hen the pictures start arriving from Jerry. Smiling faces, apron clad bodies, pictures of food, the team building night at his meeting is make your own dinner. The place looks adorable, I can practically smell the food and hear the adult conversation, which is not " can we play the Wii?)!
Gosh, I should have gotten a real college degree like mom told me to and kept working!
Danny and I did take the dog out for a loop around the neighborhood, it was minus 4 by lunchtime so plenty warm enough! Harry can't get enough of the snow, and it was a nice break from the unrelenting polar plunge work and laundry.
Tomorrow we are stuck here again, I am hoping they plow the streets and we can make a break for it in the caddy, but we'll see!

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