Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunday 1/12 the Big Ahhhh!

AAAHHHHH! Plunge is done! We slept in and did blueberry pancakes and newspaper reading, and playing with Cassie of course. Football and more playing in the afternoon, and then we all piled in the car to drive Cassie to Dearborn. The kids voted to go to IKEA after that for meatballs. We all enjoyed talking about our great Netherlands adventure and how much we miss it. We walked around the store after dinner, and imagined living in 350 square feet or outfitting our small business office.
Then it was back home to get ready for our school week.
The kids checked their firstgiving page and have garnered even more donations( page stays open for two weeks post event) and the team is over $1000.00 now!

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