Sunday, February 2, 2014

A busy and wonderful weekend

From construction prep to Super Bowl dip we did it all. And don't forget shoveling, our new daily activity! 7 inches of snow fell Saturday, while we were out playing in a basketball tournament and skating our hearts out. And when we returned at 1pm we needed to get out the shovels and commence scooping. The snow is so deep we have to shovel out a little circle on the lawn so Buddy can poop! Danny and I grocery shopped and Jerry and the girls went boxing. 
Sunday we had Taylor ham egg and cheese on bagels and lots of coffee. Then we shoveled some more. Challenge is being able to lift the shovel high enough to throw the snow on top of the giant piles that line the driveway. Jerry,Molly and Charlotte went to boxing at 11 and I ran some errands. I needed to get paint samples for the sun porch,though my painting will wait a bit. I spoke to Dave my contractor and he said to wait until the new floor is down to paint because if I get any drips it will wipe right off. That is good because with winter games starting Tuesday, fitting in painting was going to be tricky. Mass at 5 and then off to an exclusive Super Bowl party! Mine! Guest list--us! I made meatball pizza and a hot buffalo chicken dip, and then served Danny's venison sausage with cheese,crackers,veggies and chips. I enjoyed watching some of the commercials but I mostly watched HGTV--call me UN-American! My favourite commercial was the dober-wawa dog breed one, the Doritos one, the Go Daddy spray tan and the Tim Tebow no contract phone commercials. Which ones did you like?
Ready to hit it hard!
Charlotte and her coach/mentor Anna

What a good brother!

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