Thursday, January 9, 2014

Plunge countdown,T-3 days

And we're off!  I knew how much I had to do today so the best start to that was mass. Father James challenged us to be both believers in Christ and compassionate helpers of the poor, not one or the other. If we say we love Jesus and don't love our fellow man, the bible says we are liars. Wow! That is a lot to think about and work on acting on.
Visited BHS to confirm ground/gym plans for Saturday, Gordon foods for candy bars for my candy selling scheme, target and the dollar store for other necessities. Then home to start prepping  the prize bags, silent auction pages, tshirts,etc. Mary Jane and Shawne both came to help, which made it fun! 
Cassie and jake were expected at 6:30 and arrived at7:45, with no call or text. He said he was stressed by the meet up with Cammy. It is a tough situation to be in. If the two parents are supposed to talk and interact, and one of hune shows up with their mom, other child and lawyer, well that can be a bit counterproductive.
By the time I got little miss settled it was 10pm- and I'm heading to bed! posting the first of many pictures for this weekend!
Thanksaunt Susan and cousins!

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